Submitting Applications and Required Documents
Submitting Applications and Required Documents
I want to study at a vocational education and training institution. How do I fill out the application for a vocational training programme or module?
Do I have to upload documents proving my education to the Centralised Information System for admission to educational programmes (CPIS)?
Yes, you must provide documents proving your acquired education. According to V-373, the educational institution you selected as your first priority evaluates the applicant’s suitability to study in the chosen vocational education program. We recommend uploading all documents that confirm your formal education. These documents will assist the vocational education institution in assessing your suitability for the chosen programme.
If you obtained your education after 2010, the vocational education institution will automatically receive information about your education from the registers. However, when filling out your application to study at a vocational education institution, in the EDUCATION section, make sure your data is accurate. If you notice discrepancies, refer to the answer to the question “What should I do if there is no information about my education in the registers or if it is incorrect?“.
If you obtained your education before 2010, you can contact the educational institution where you completed your education to have this information entered into the registers. You can also upload copies or photos of your educational documents to the CPIS information system yourself by following the provided instructions (link). The documents you submit will be reviewed by the vocational education institution you selected as your first priority.
If you obtained your education abroad, you can find more detailed information here.
What should I do if the information about my education in the registers is missing or incorrect?
- If you do not see information about your acquired education in the CPIS information system, you can upload copies or photos of your educational documents yourself by following the provided instructions. The documents you submit will be reviewed by the educational institution you selected as your first priority.
- If you notice that the information about your acquired education is incorrect, contact the educational institution where you obtained it to request corrections and updates. The educational institution typically resolves or updates the information within 3–5 business days, depending on the nature of the issue, and forwards it to the relevant register. Data received from registers in the CPIS information system are automatically updated each time a user logs into the system, but no more than once every 24 hours. It is important to note that only the educational institution where the education was obtained or the register can correct inaccurate data about your acquired education. Users can only edit their contact details, such as phone numbers and email addresses, independently.
- If you obtained your education abroad, you can find more detailed information here .
How many vocational education and training programmes can be included in the application?
During the main and additional admission periods, you can include up to 3 preferences in your application.
Please note that due to competition or a low number of applicants for the chosen programme, you may not receive an invitation, so it is recommended to select at least two programmes.
Why cannot I see the programme I am interested in while filling out the application, even though it is on the list?
In the public programme list, you will find all licensed vocational training programmes, but not all of them are offered every year. Therefore, when filling out the application, refer only to the programme list available in the CPIS information system.
Does the order of vocational education institutions listed in the application affect the admission process?
Yes, applications for higher-priority vocational education institutions are reviewed before those for lower-priority institutions listed in the application. It is important to note that you can receive only one invitation to study under a vocational education programme, so make sure to prioritise your preferences accordingly.
Does the time of application submission affect priority when being admitted to vocational education institutions?
Applications are submitted on the specified dates (2025 admission dates), and this generally does not affect priority for admission to vocational education programmes. The time of submission may only matter in cases where multiple applicants have the same competitive score. In such cases, priority will be given to the one who submitted their application earlier.
Information about the priority criteria can be found in Section V of the “Dėl priėmimo mokytis pagal formaliojo profesinio mokymo programas į profesinio mokymo įstaigas ir kitas valstybines ar savivaldybių švietimo įstaigas tvarkos aprašo patvirtinimo” (No. V-373).
Can I edit the submitted application?
While the submission and editing of applications are ongoing, you can edit your applications by logging into the CPIS information system.
You can check the general admission dates here.
How can I update my contact information in the CPIS information system?
Once logged into the system, you can edit your email and phone number details by clicking the pencil icon in your profile. It is important to note that changing the contact email does not change the email address you use to log in to the system.
Where can I check the status of my application? What do the statuses ‘Approved,’ ‘Pending Clarification,’ and ‘Rejected’ mean?
You can review your applications in the Centralised Information System for Admission to Educational Programmes (CPIS) under the OVERVIEW and APPLICATIONS sections.
- Application status APPROVED:
Your application meets the requirements; please wait for the queue calculation. - Application status PENDING CLARIFICATION:
The vocational training institution has reviewed your application but found missing information. The comment indicates which details need to be clarified. - Application status REJECTED:
The vocational training institution has rejected your application. If admissions are still ongoing, you can modify your application and apply to another vocational training institution and/or programme.
What will happen if I decline the invitation to study?
You can receive only one invitation, so if you decline it, you will lose the opportunity to study under the vocational education programme.