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User Login

User Login

How to log in to the CPIS information system?

You can log in to the system in two ways:
1) by using the e-Government Gateway or
2) by accessing the invitation received via email, using your email address and password.

I am a parent / guardian. How can an underage applicant login to the system?
  • Use e-Government Gateway to login, and select an option to act on behalf of another person.
  • Login to the CPIS information system and send an invitation to a child via email.
How to log in without access to the E-Government Gateway?

If you are unable to log in via the E-Government Gateway, you can request an invitation to log in to the information system by email.

  • If you are underage and wish to enrol in vocational education and training programmes, you must provide a parent’s or guardian’s consent to a vocational education and training institution. You can do so by:
    • Arriving at a vocational education and training institution and presenting a consent form signed by a parent or guardian along with a privacy policy document signed by you.
    • Arriving together with one of your parents or guardians and signing the consent form and privacy policy document directly at the vocational education and training institution.
    • Sending a consent form electronically signed by one of your parents or guardians via email and presenting a privacy policy document signed by you to the vocational education and training institution.

Find the consent form here.
Find the privacy policy document here.
Find the contact details of vocational training institutions here.

  • If you wish to enrol in vocational education and training programmes:
    Contact the vocational education and training institution of your interest. You can find their contact details here.
  • If you wish to submit an application for your child’s admission to a general education school:
    Contact your municipality’s education department. You can find the contact details of the municipalities here.
  • If you wish to submit an application for your child’s admission to a general education school and also enrol in vocational education and training programmes:
    Contact the municipality’s education department. You can find their contact details here.

Please note that when visiting the vocational school and/or municipality, you should bring an identity document.

How long is the sign-up link valid?

The link is valid for two hours.

What should I do if the received sign-up link is not working?

The sent link is valid for two hours. A new invitation can be sent only after two hours. If you need a new sign-up link, please contact the educational institution.

What should I do if the educational institution sent me an invitation to sign up, but I did not receive the link?

If you did not receive the link, check the Spam or Junk folder in your email.

Will I be able to submit an application for enrollment while outside of Lithuania?

Yes, you are be able to submit an application even when not in Lithuania.

Submission of applications is held electronically via CPIS informational system.