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Pre-school and Pre-primary Education


Children from birth up to the age of 6 (in certain cases up to the age of 5) are admitted to pre-school institutions (kindergartens). This is until they begin attending the pre-primary education group.

Pre-primary education begins to be provided to children at the age of 6. After assessing the child’s educational needs, progress, and development, pre-primary education may begin when the child turns 5 years old before September 1 of the calendar year.

Pre-school and Pre-primary Education

How to submit an application for admission to educational programmes?

Currently, the Centralised Information System for Admission to Educational Programmes (CPIS) is in development and testing phase. Therefore, the CPIS information system is not yet available for public use.

Planned CPIS roll-out date: 2026

If you wish to submit an application for admission to educational programmes, you shall follow the instructions provided by the administration of your city or district municipality.


Relevant data of 2022-2023

105 359

Pre-school (kindergarten) pupils


Pre-school institutions

30 297

Pupils in pre-primary education groups


What is CPIS?

CPIS is a Centralised Information System for Admission to Education Programmes that ensures equal opportunities for everyone to access effective admission to education programmes services tailored to individual needs. The admission services follow a one-stop shop principle.

For whom CPIS is intended?

CPIS is intended for education participants at all levels – students (14 years old and older), education providers, municipal administrations and other related institutions.

What purpose does CPIS serve?

The CPIS information system covers all stages of admission to educational programmes—from submitting an application to signing a study contract.

Who determines the admission procedures for schools?

The admission procedures for state and municipal general education schools are determined by the municipal councils or the Ministry of Education, Science, and Sport. Private schools set their own admission conditions.