Key Information
Project “Development of a Centralised Admission System for Education Programmes”
Project No. 02-088-P-0003
Project Duration: 3 January 2024 – 30 April 2026
Project Value: €4,078,149.53, of which €4,018,506.26 are funds from the Economic Recovery and Resilience Facility, and €59,643.27 are funds from the State Budget of the Republic of Lithuania.
Project Promoter: Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Lithuania
Project Partners:
Public Institution “Mokausi Lietuvoje”
National Agency for Education
Project Objective
To ensure equal opportunities for everyone to access effective admission to education programmes services tailored to individual needs. The admission services follow a one-stop shop principle.
During the implementation of the project, the aim is to create and establish a Centralised Information System for Admission to Education Programmes (hereinafter referred to as CPIS). The CPIS is being developed to enhance public and administrative services:
- to raise the level of administrative maturity of the electronic admission to education programmes;
- to improve the level of maturity of public services provided by local authorities.
- Will enable the effective administration of the centralised admission process for pre-school, pre-primary, primary, lower secondary, upper secondary education, non-formal education, and programmes that supplement formal education, as well as the centralised coordination of the admission process for short-cycle, first-cycle, integrated, and vocational education studies.
- Ensure that services are accessible to various social groups (education providers, municipalities, state institutions, students, their parents (guardians), and other interested parties), encompassing all stages of electronic service delivery (from submitting applications to education programmes to signing contracts). The services will meet the individual needs of different social groups (making them easy to access and use).
- The created digital solution will improve the quality of public services provided. The digitisation of the application submission process will enhance the productivity of institutions, reduce bureaucratic burdens and the likelihood of human errors, motivate employees, and increase their job satisfaction. The digital solution will enable savings not only on the operational and oversight costs incurred by municipalities and educational institutions but also on the administrative costs of maintaining educational information systems and registers (by facilitating more efficient data entry and increasing the utilisation of statistical data).
- Will enable the rational distribution of student flows, organise the registration of students on waiting lists and those attending programmes, provide reliable and accurate information to the public regarding admissions to available spots, and make data-driven decisions regarding the demand for spots.
- Will respond to the trends in the digitisation of public services.
- Will enhance transparency in the admissions process. Educational providers will be able to automatically organise student queues based on priorities. With the help of the developed digital solution, reliable and accurate information will be publicly shared regarding admissions to educational institutions and/or programmes, available learning spots in groups or classes, and the demand for spots to ensure accessibility to education.